Pretty Vicious Marketing4 min readMOBILEWHATS APP IS COMING FOR SMALL BUSINESSWhatsApp is set to allow businesses to better communicate with customers. Know more
Pretty Vicious Marketing4 min readSTRATEGY8 PRETTY VICIOUS MARKETING IDEAS DURING/AFTER COVID-192020 has been the plot twist that none of us could have imagined, but behind every crisis are opportunities for your business. Find out more
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Pretty Vicious Marketing2 min readSOCIALALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SNAPCHATS NEW AD PLATFORMSnapchat's self-serve Ad platform. Find out how your business can benefit.
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Pretty Vicious Marketing2 min readSTRATEGYHOW 02 ARE MEASURING THEIR SOCIAL ADVERTISINGO2 was the first brand to measure the Facebook ad impressions, but how ?